Alex Fugallo and Jean Pierre Barral

Alex with Jean Pierre Barral. December 2022

Where It All Began

I started my career training at the London School of Sports Massage in 1989 while studying law at Brunel University. After graduating in law, I realized that my true passion lay in understanding and treating the human body. After completing a second degree at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1997 I started my own practice in north London, Integrated Manual Therapies. In 2010 I co-founded a second clinic in Fulham, Beyond Health, where I also work and mentor clinical staff.


I have extensive post graduate training in different physiotherapy, osteopathic and chiropractic techniques and approaches, dry needling, acupuncture and exercise rehabilitation. In 2008 I began training in the work of French osteopath Jean Pierre Barral. I am one of only a small number of practitioners in the UK certified both in Visceral and Neural Manipulation by the Barral Institute. In 2017 I became an accredited lecturer for the Institute and now teach internationally for them. I am currently training in the Feldenkrais method.